That might well be another question that I would want to deflect and say that a MuleSoft counterpart will probably provide a better answer to regarding best practices. The overhead of calling a MuleSoft API, which then in turn is calling a single Reltio API is not particularly high in my experiences so far. It is not significantly higher than just calling the Reltio API natively.
Worst-case scenario in terms of your turnaround time here, you follow this path, and you fail in your attempt here to find an answer to the question which would have taken you there, and you find yourself having to prepare another payload and make another API call. This is one of the longest running API calls internally in Reltio anyway, because there is a lot of work to do to run through several match rules and see what answers you get as a result. But even that said, the last API call that we just made in my demo app, I think took a little under 800 milliseconds to run through this entire not particularly highly tuned example regarding the tenant that is pointing at.
That is kind of worst-case scenario, and it is still in my opinion, an acceptable result. But I think there is an opportunity here to make sure that you branch in appropriate ways rather than call API after API after API in sequence, and then must wait potentially for the last API to finish before you get the answer to your question, which of course is going to add overall to your total latency.
If you missed this API-led Integration webinar around #Mulesoft, take a listen. You also might find API-first Integration in Master Data Management: An Overview helpful.
Matthew Gagan
Original Message:
Sent: 07-19-2021 07:32
From: Chris Detzel
Subject: With multiple paths to choose in the API, does this impact performance?
And what are the do's and don'ts to keep complex API routing performance? #API #ReltioInsights
Chris Detzel
Community Program Manager