Hi Deepak,
It is a great idea to create a community post like this and invite participation from other customers, thank you for setting an example!
Reltio Product Team regularly reviews ideas (requests for enhancement) submitted via the idea portal. One of the key criteria for prioritization is the broad applicability and interest in a request and we look at the votes received for an idea for this.
You will see comments and responses to these ideas shortly. Please continue to suggest enhancements to the Reltio platform and promoting collaboration via the community!
Thank you!
Venki Subramanian
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2021 12:40
From: Deepak Bhansali
Subject: Idea Portal - Please go and vote for Ideas submitted.
Hello Members,
I hope everyone is aware of Reltio's Idea portal and has made submissions there. Looking at ideas and voting for them increase the chances of getting it into the priority list for consideration so I will request everyone to utilize this opportunity.
I have submitted the below ideas and will request members to review and vote if they find it valuable and Imperative.
Deepak Bhansali
Sr Technical Product Manager
Advance Auto Parts