Great question
@Siva Krishna Akuthota,
You can do both. By default, Reltio will write the extracts to our own internal S3 buckets and send you an email with a link to them. When I just ran this extract, this is stored in a Reltio S3 buckets. But certainly, as part of the extract, you can provide your S3 credentials, and we can write the extract into a customer S3 bucket. If we have multiple customers that are big AWS users, they have their own S3 environments, they would rather have that data there then put it in our environment then copy it to theirs. So certainly, you can write it to yours. It is part of that API call to specify where you want that extract to be written to. So choice is yours.
If you missed it, take a look at my Data Extraction Webinar below:
Mike Frasca
Original Message:
Sent: 07-14-2021 07:37
From: Siva Krishna Akuthota
Subject: Is the target S3 bucket in Customer AWS account or it will write to Reltio S3 bucket?
this is specifically around #dataextraction
Siva Krishna Akuthota
Advance Auto Parts