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Can you see uniqueness for specific identifier types within the Data Quality tool?

  • 1.  Can you see uniqueness for specific identifier types within the Data Quality tool?

    Posted 09-21-2022 08:40
    For example, can you see uniqueness for social security number or for TIN?

    Debbie Drez
    Bellevue WA

  • 2.  RE: Can you see uniqueness for specific identifier types within the Data Quality tool?

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 09-21-2022 08:43

    Thank you for the post: That's a great point. And let me just actually jump over to another tenant where I have some samples, social security numbers loaded in, obviously fake, but this is something really cool that we can do. Social security numbers we should assume everyone has a unique one. So you will be able to see if there were duplicates for whatever reason in your data store. But one of the other really interesting pieces that we've launched recently is pattern analysis.

    This will allow you to say we don't just want to look at the frequency, but we want to look at what is the format of the information coming in. And so you can see this most common format is number, number, number, number, number, like 324, which is a standard social security and all of these other records, which are, spaces might be included or letters in some circumstances. And again, this is demo information, but this is a really good way to be able to flag if you have a standardized pattern for how information should be coming in, that there are issues that need to be worked on that your standard data quality rules may not pick up.

    To see the Real-Time Data Quality demo, click below: 

    Michael Burke
    Senior Director, AI & Machine Learning
    Boston MA