Hi Suchen,
In my data scenario, HCP is referring to 3 relationship to fetch the attributes. And these 3 relationship is using 2 entities, HCO and location.
There are 300+ relationship for this HCP profiles distributed among these 3 relationship.
If i check individually at entity level HCO and Location, there are no such profiles which exceeds 150 + crosswalk.
But the combined crosswalk from the 300+ relations for this HCP profile is 2033. where as the limit is 2000 and the load fails.
GautamKumar MS
Original Message:
Sent: 10-13-2023 19:15
From: Suchen Chodankar
Subject: API to check entity's reference crosswalk count
Hi GautamKumar,
To the best of my knowledge, there is no single API that you can use to get this information. But there are a couple of ways to can get the list of entities that might be at risk of crossing this threshold.
Let's work with an example here. Let's say you have Individual records with Address as a reference attribute (referenced from Location entity) and Account as a reference attribute (Referenced from the Account entity ).
The objective is to find the list of Individuals that might have close to 2,000 referenced crosswalks. Here is how I would do it
- Start with the search query to look for the Location entity having a large number of crosswalks. Say greater than 180
- You should be able to download the result of the above query to a CSV file
- Now run a similar query for the Account entity and download the result to a CSV file
- Search for the Individuals using the below query
- Individual WHERE Address EXISTS AND Account EXISTS AND AddressLine1 EQUALS (IN FILE) supply a file containing just the AddressLine1 from the previously downloaded File
- Individual WHERE Address EXISTS AND Account EXISTS AND AccountNumber EQUALS (IN FILE) supply a file containing just the AccountNumber from the previously downloaded File
- You can also add a Count greater than the operator on Account or Address.
You can now try different filters using the data from the referenced entities that we know have a large number of crosswalks which will be pulled into the referenced entity
In short, what I am suggesting here is to get the list of referenced entities that have a large number of crosswalks and then try to see which Individuals these entities are referenced in. This may not be the perfect solution to get the accurate list but something that you can follow to get a candidate list that potentially will have a large number of crosswalks because of the referenced entity
Of course, there is a more reliable way to get the accurate count by writing some sort of script using python, Java, etc to count the crosswalks of refEntities and refRelations.
Please let me know if you have any follow up questions on this.
Suchen Chodankar
Original Message:
Sent: 10-13-2023 03:00
From: GautamKumar MS
Subject: API to check entity's reference crosswalk count
Is there a way to get the entities that has certain number of reference crosswalk?
currently the limit is
maxReferenceCrosswalksPerEntity - 2000
I want to get a report from reltio or a api to check if there are entities at risk to hit this limit, say the crosswalk count is more than 1800.
Any guidance on this subject would be helpful.
GautamKumar MS