Hello Reltio Community,
I have a business requirement to delete any Interactions that are older than 90 days. Normally I would look to the Reltio API solution to delete the interactions, but we need to delete about 50 - 60k interactions per day. The Interaction Search endpoint is limited to 10k results (would also have to page through the offset) and can only delete 150 URIs at a time. Due to this we have been using a Qubole notebook and the Data Science API for bulk deletions:
Data Delete API. The Qubole environment is configured and managed by the Reltio team.
However Qubole notebooks are getting migrated to Databricks towards the end of November. The Databricks solution will not work for our case due to HIPPA concerns. I'm now trying to brainstorm other ideas to do bulk interaction deletes. Some ideas we considered:
- GBQ Connector: this was first suggested but our shop does not have GBQ and is not willing to go down this route.
- RIH Recipe: looked at Reltio in app actions running on a schedule, but seems like it would have the same limitations as the API (limited interaction search results and deletions per API call)
- Custom Retention Policy: I'm not as familiar with this functionality but seems Reltio has default options with possibility of custom retention policies,
Quota and Limits- Use Data Science API outside of Qubole: not sure how feasible this is to set up locally within our own data science platform. Would need to determine how to enable/configure the Reltio Data Science SDK and script outside of the Qubole environment.
Does anyone else do bulk deletions, with interactions or entities? Any other ideas to successfully run bulk deletions on a daily schedule?
Thanks everyone!
Nathan Richter
Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina