Hi Team ,
We have some queries and could you please help if it can be achieved in Reltio . If yes, could you please help us how
1. We have lookup attribute i.e. Unit Status for HOTEL entity having 5 values .
If we have new Hotel entry with value PROJECT then UNIT status attribute value can be Operational either Dropped .
If Operational is selected it can be Rebranding (vice-versa) and Disposed .
We have only single attribute i.e. UNIT STATUS which should be updated accordingly whenever the PROJECT value is selected .
Attached the screenshot for reference .
2. Based on the attribute value ,the list of other attributes can be made mandatory .
Example :
if attribute value of Unit Status='Project' and Unit Type='HOTEL'
Then the following attributes are made mandatory
Hotel Country
Hotel Short Name
Sub-Brand Code
Contract Type
Contractual Rooms
and following attributes are non mandatory (not visible on UI)
5YP Perimeter
Classification Current Year
Classification Last Year
Classification Next Year
Hotel Generic Email
EMMA Roll Out Date
Please let me know if you any questions
Divya Gupta
Fresh Gravity