Abhishek -
When we perform the same activity using the ROCS Data loader we use a non-data-provider identifier to tell Reltio how to link the records. We don't use the UI data loader but the approach would be the same I assume.
The json below is adding Source2/Id2 to the entity identified by Source1/Id1.
Jim Mattheiss
Sample JSON:
"crosswalks": [
"dataProvider": false,
"type": "configuration/sources/Source1",
"sourceTable": "Individual",
"value": "Id1"
"createDate": "2023-05-03T13:19:02.000Z",
"value": "Id2",
"lastUpdateDate": "2023-05-03T13:19:02.000Z",
"dataProvider": true,
"type": "configuration/sources/Source2",
"sourceTable": "Individual"
"attributes": {
"Status": [
"value": "Active"
"AccountStatus": [
"value": "1"
"CreditStatusCode": [
"value": "00"
"CreditStatusDetailCode": [
"value": "00"
"RevenueCode": [
"value": "00"
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual"
James Mattheiss
Scholastic Inc
New York NY
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2023 14:41
From: Abhishek Shankar
Subject: Load a crosswalk to an existing entity
We want to load a crosswalk (enrichment source) to an already existing entity. We dont want this new crosswalk to go through the regular match and merge process. We want it to directly go in as a crosswalk under the existing entity. We use Data Loader UI so would need some recommendations on that.