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  • 1.  Removing Ingested Data

    Posted 11-09-2023 12:26

    Hi -

    I am newer to the Reltio platform, so I am sorry if this was asked. 

    If a number is updated in a source and the oringal ingested number is no longer available in the source is there a way to delete or "inactive" that value?  Or do I have to use a rule?


    ABC number is 123-456-7899. but it was recently updated to 987-654-3211.  The first number was ingested when the location was created but has since been updated.  

    In our current build both numbers stay, but I want the 123-456-7899 to be deleted as it is no longer in the source at all.

    Stephanie M Kneissel
    M Health Fairview
    Shakopee MN

  • 2.  RE: Removing Ingested Data

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 11-10-2023 11:12

    Hi Stephanie,

    The outcome you want should be the standard behavior in Reltio.  I'm double checking a few things: 1) the crosswalk is the same for the messages, right?  By this I mean that entity ABC comes from the same system with the same identifier, right? 2) When you say you want value 123 to be deleted, you mean from the current entity, not from the entity history (where it of course should remain)??

    I just did this via postman: created entity with an attribute of value Y.  When I updated it from the same crosswalk and a different attribute value, Y was gone.  So I'm not sure why this is not happening for you.

    Gino Fortunato
    Senior Solution Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Removing Ingested Data

    Posted 11-20-2023 12:10

    Hi Gino -

    The cross walk is the same as we are only including one source for the HCO location.  The historical information should stay I just want it to gray out on the profile page.  Is this something Reltio can help with?  It has made for a lot of manual clean up on my end when phone numbers are updated. 

    Stephanie M Kneissel
    M Health Fairview
    Shakopee MN

  • 4.  RE: Removing Ingested Data

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 11-20-2023 12:41
    Are you using partialUpdate when you update the data?  If so, can you remove it?
