@Nitin Tugave.
Unfortunately, this isn't a feature of the developer portal today. It is on our roadmap for early 2023.
In the meantime,
@Joel Snipes has created a cheat sheet. He keeps up an
API collection on Bitbucket and said I could share it (thanks Joel!). In case you're interested, he also did a fabulous
webinar recently that is related.
I hope that helps for now. Downloading YAML is a must for the developer experience in 2023. We'll reach out on the Community for input as we develop that.
Megan Gilhooly
Sr. Director Self-help & Content Strategy
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2022 04:52
From: Nitin Tugave
Subject: Specification for the entity API
Hi ,
Do we have any place where can we download the specification for the reltio entity API.
While using it for the integration with another system we need this YAML file of specification.
Nitin Tugave
Nitin Tugave