Hi Ashish, Yes. Thats the default for any SQS service.
Gowthamprabhu Sivaraj
Original Message:
Sent: 05-16-2023 06:42
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: SQS Limit
I see so if I got it right, 120k inflight messages each having max size of 256kb can be held in Reltio's provided SQS?
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 05-16-2023 03:32
From: Gowthamprabhu Sivaraj
Subject: SQS Limit
Hi Ashish,
There is no limit on the Number of messages the SQS can hold. However there is a limit of 120000 inflight messages ( messages consumed by consumer but not yet deleted). Please also consider the retention period of SQS Queue, if the retention period is 36 hours, the messages can live only for 36 hours and it should be consumed within that timeframe.
Gowthamprabhu Sivaraj
Original Message:
Sent: 05-16-2023 02:57
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: SQS Limit
Hi All,
We are using Reltio's provided SQS queue for real time integration and as a best practice messages are deleted post consumption. Wanted to check how many messages (in terms for size) SQS can hold without being consumed by any system.
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity