Thanks, will raise a support ticket.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2023 12:06
From: Sergio Abraham
Subject: SSL Configuration to test custom workflow code
Hi Vinoth, I am sorry for the late reply, I was on PTO for a few days.
Please raise a support case. There are multiple details to see and our support team can best help you figure this out.
Sergio Abraham
Principal Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 05-30-2023 01:24
From: Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu
Subject: SSL Configuration to test custom workflow code
Hi Team,
Could someone help on this please. Appreciate your inputs.
Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu
Mastech Infotrellis Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 05-17-2023 09:46
From: Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu
Subject: SSL Configuration to test custom workflow code
Hi Sergio,
Yes, I was following the same documentation page for SSL setup.
Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu
Mastech Infotrellis Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 05-17-2023 09:38
From: Sergio Abraham
Subject: SSL Configuration to test custom workflow code
Hi @Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu,
are you following this ?
Sergio Abraham
Principal Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 05-15-2023 04:42
From: Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu
Subject: SSL Configuration to test custom workflow code
Hi All,
I was trying to test custom task listener for my custom workflow, as part of the process I was configuring SSL to test the changes from the Reltio UI. I have created a key store and added that to the file, but I am getting SSL Connection error post following the steps mentioned in Reltio documentation, could someone help me with this please.
HTTP url is giving status as "OK", but HTTPS url giving Error connection, and UI throughs SSL Connection Error.

Vinoth Kumar Chittibabu
Mastech Infotrellis Inc