Yes, you just need to populate the refRelation - which is a property automatically available to all Reference attributes. refEntity allows you to assign a crosswalk and start/endData to the related entity where refRelation allows you to assign a crosswalk and the effective dates to the relationship. Note that this field is REQUIRED if loading more than 10,000 relationships through Reltio Data Loader. This means that you must pre-generate your own crosswalks when loading more than 10,000 items in Reltio Data Loader.
Dan Gage
Principal Solution Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 02-14-2023 22:54
From: subbareddy Raju
Subject: startdate and enddate for the relation ship through reference attribute.
can we provide startdate and enddate for the relation ship through reference attribute.
subbareddy Raju