Hi Mark,
I don't think if you use the order parameter, that there is any sequence. I think it's random. I'll double check. And that also not something that is documented. So I'm following up with our documentation team to make sure that is documented. But I think, by default, it's pretty much random, and you need to explicitly use the order parameter, which in API is just a parameter of the API request.
In the UI, it actually always has an order. It's alphabetical, and you can sort up and down, when you hover over the... Again, in advance search, you need to hover over the table header, and basically you can click on it. There is an error appearing, and you can order up and down, alphabetically.
Dmitry Blinov
Principal Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-20-2023 16:37
From: Mark Burlock
Subject: What is the default sequence for API Search Results?
Looking for clarification regarding the order of search results within the API/UI
Mark Burlock
Dodge Data & Analytics
Hamilton NJ