Hi Doug,
This is something more for an analytics use case, rather than a search. I think just today, analytical capabilities, it should already be possible. At the same time, implementing such functionality using just text search mechanism, such as elastic search. And all this family of text searches, Ellucian, elastic search itself, open search, AWS open search, this is a very typical type of search, and the attribute value completion is just not what they are best at. So I would recommend to avoid other types of services, again, such as analytics, for example.
Dmitry Blinov
Principal Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-17-2023 11:13
From: Doug Bora
Subject: Will we ever be able to compare attributes in the UI advanced search?
In the UI advanced search will we ever be able to compare one attribute to another attribute? For instance attribute1 not equal to attribute2
Doug Bora