Join Loqate's CTO and Product Leader, Kartik Venkatesh and Chris Detzel, Director of Customer Community and Engagement at Reltio for another Reltio Community show.
Across the 249 countries and territories, there are approximately 6,500 spoken languages, 139 character scripts, and more than 130 different address formats that are continuously changing. With various nuances in postal addressing standards and formats across established and emerging economies, delivering goods and services, and optimizing critical business functions that rely in part on having a correct customer or business address is complex. Capturing, verifying and enriching location data is part of the requirements for any company looking to grow and win business in the age of digital transformation and premium customer experiences (CX). At its core, data quality is the fuel to the technological innovations we so heavily rely on to power commerce in a post-pandemic world.
Kartik is the CTO and Product Leader, at Loqate. He is a Full and Multi stack end-to-end chief architect & principle engineer with vast experience in a wide range of fields from Identity, Privacy, and Online Video Streaming, to financial to medical & geospatial. Driving with a strong passion for Building & Leading Highly efficient and productive Product & Tech Teams with the goal of building products that matter.