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Manage Your Core Data as Products- PPT 

11-04-2022 08:09

This is the PPT for Community Show" Manage Your Core Data as Products

“Core data is information about customers, vendors, locations, assets, and suppliers, among other things i.e. data that every organization runs on

…MDM is evolving from a reluctant to an indispensable spend. That is because every organization is becoming a data-driven organization, which means they need high-quality, actionable information to make sound business decisions, satisfy their customers, and create more enterprise value. 

Poor data equals poor decision-making. 

We deliver core data as a product to our customers.”  @Manish Sood, CEO and Founder of Reltio


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Manage Your Core Data as Products   8.03 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 11-04-2022
Start with the key initiatives you need the data for - use case Identify the consumers of the data and validate use cases Define data consumption requirements and outputs Define metadata and governance policies Define and implement data observability for data quality, operational metrics and SLOs Identify first party inputs and input formats Define data enrichment sources

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