@Sandro Palleschi, Manager of Enterprise Data Services at Empire Life talks about the Business Benefits of the Reltio MDM Platform. Sandro covers the following: 1. High-level overview of Empire Life and how they got to Reltio 2. High-level overview of their implementation/data model 3. Review of how mastered data is being leveraged in their downstream applications/services 4. Review of how Reltio architecture has provided them with more of a modern and agile platform for mastering data 5. Planned enrichment and enhancements in their roadmap ---------Agenda: MDM Journey Timeline (Some context) Benefits of Migrating to Reltio MDM Platform Overview of our MDM Data Model Overview of our MDM Architecture Business Benefits of the Reltio MDM platform Consumers of our Master ‘Party’Data Planned enrichment and enhancements in our MDM roadmap#masterdatamanagement#businessbenefits