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Data Governance Part II: Role-Based Workflow and Collaboration Tools

By Daniel Gage posted 09-04-2021 09:56


The ability to control how data is created, how users interact with it, and what happens to it in the long term are key elements of success in today’s enterprise environment. Organizations that implement role-based workflows are able to collect better on their customers, products and services while remaining compliant.

Effective data governance is key to this achievement. In Part 1 of this series, we mentioned how data governance enables consistency, which is the foundation of measurable, reproducible enterprise success. Establishing role-based workflows that help produce this consistent data is the next step.

Enterprises that implement solutions for business process and workflow management can conduct match reviews, complete data change requests, and delete user profiles easily. This is important for improving the customer experience, and it’s also a key element of government regulations like Europe’s GDPR and California’s CCPA.

Prevent Data from Falling Through the Cracks

When it comes to establishing consistent enterprise workflows, keeping processes timely and organized is one of the biggest challenges that IT and data governance professionals face. 

In a traditional enterprise setting, processes typically demand that one user sends their data along with a request to another user. That user processes the data according to their role, and sends it further on down the chain.

This approach works most of the time, but it can also lead to complicated problems. Whenever an employee takes a vacation, their email inbox fills with hundreds of requests. Some messages get auto-forwarded to the right person, others don’t, and some requests are simply forgotten about entirely. Things get missed, others get backlogged.

It’s not just vacations that cause this to happen, either. It will happen whenever employees are acting outside their usual role. Audits, conferences, training sessions and more can also lead to valuable data going missing in someone’s inbox.

Reltio’s workflow designer allows enterprises to establish ideal business processes, defined through roles. This means any appropriate user can participate in a process they have access to. Administrators can add, edit, and reassign tasks with ease, ensuring that data does not get lost in the process.

Introducing Reltio’s Workflow Management Solution

Reltio’s workflow management solution works right out of the box, providing data governance professionals with the ability to build, extend, and customize workflows to meet enterprise needs.

Since these workflows are defined by role, it’s easy to build out processes which have no choke points or dead ends. No single employee should be able to hold up an entire business process simply because they are the only one who is allowed to process a task or approve a result. Reltio’s workflow designer allows users to create robust, role-based workflows and add individual employees to their appropriate place in the workflow. 

Separately, Reltio also supports ad-hoc collaboration directly through the user interface. Simply mouse over any attribute or profile header and click on the green plus sign to add new users to the conversation.

Once you perform that ad-hoc addition, Reltio remembers it and provides the option to review any notes in that particular profile. This way, you can be dynamic and still consistent with the way you govern data in real-time.

Check out the webinar I hosted on Data Governance with Reltio

Better Communication Improves Both Data and Workflows

Reltio’s workflow and collaboration engine integrates natively with enterprise mail systems. This allows users to get notifications directly through their inbox and mobile devices. The workflow manager itself also has its own dedicated inbox that users can bookmark and access directly through any web browser.  It is touch-sensitive and works on mobile phones and tablet devices.

This also simplifies the approvals process and requests for data changes. You can assign different approval roles for different types of data. Tasks are assigned to individuals (based on their role), but anyone qualified to approve a request can take ownership and do so.

Once a request is approved, Reltio generates the appropriate notifications and initiates the syndication of the new data back to the various systems that use it. As the master data management solution at the core of the workflow, Reltio is able to establish a clear, role-based workflow management system that is based entirely on data.

Verifying and approving data change requests in Reltio is also simple and completely configurable. Qualified users can drill directly into user profiles to verify attributes, check the place of the task in the larger workflow, and see every other characteristic of the particular record they’re approving. 

Optimizing the data change request process is just one of the ways Reltio enables enterprise IT professionals to work more effectively and efficiently. Users can add comments and attach them to user profiles to ensure important information doesn’t get lost down the line. Even profile relationship changes are managed, through making data change requests for the relationship itself.

How Role-Based Workflow Management Improves the Value of Data

All of these workflow capabilities are included as part of Reltio’s standard licensing agreement. Any Reltio user can start designing and deploying workflows using these tools directly, with no additional cost.

The Reltio platform is an API first technology, which means that every functionality in the system exists as a microservice interface. That means that enterprises can implement any small part of Reltio’s system within a larger technology stack by invoking the appropriate API, including workflow reviews.

The ability to request, review, and approve data changes from outside the Reltio system enables enterprises to start using their data in a far more productive way. Data governance can now be a part of every element in the IT infrastructure of the organization. For example:

  • Sales teams can update customer profiles to reduce mistakes and consolidate duplicates.
  • Marketers can attach individual preferences to customer profiles.
  • Cybersecurity professionals can provision, authenticate, and grant permissions to users in a role-based way while reducing false positives.
  • Quality assurance teams can gain more detailed feedback with fewer obstacles to the data they need.
  • IT professionals can better identify opportunities for automation, business agility, and DevOps implementation.

The ability to process data according to well-defined roles gives enterprises competitive agility in today’s business landscape. Instead of losing track of requests made on an individual basis, users are now free to collaborate in the way that suits their workflow best.

Related Content: 
Data Governance with Reltio: How to Improve the Value of Data as an Asset

