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Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake: Features and Important Terms

By Prasad Satam posted 01-25-2022 08:26

Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake: Features and Important Terms

Reltio is always looking for new ways to improve their product to make it even more user friendly and beneficial for business. We have learned that many businesses using Reltio also use Snowflake, a data warehouse. We recently developed a product, Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake, that allows both systems to work together for improved business decisions. 

In our last article,  Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake: A Business Solution, we covered how Reltio and Snowflake now work together through Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake. We also touched on how to set up this product on the business end, and how the final product may solve some common issues businesses may face. In this blog, we will cover the features of Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake, and begin to go over some demonstrations within the Reltio platform.

Features that Benefit Business

accurate dimensional data, onboarding process is quick and easy, reduce development and operational cost and save time so that you can focus on delivering actionable insights

Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake brings various business benefits to the table. 

  1. First, you and your business will only work with trusted data for building important insights and generating reports. In other words, you will be working with data that has been cleaned, merged, and validated within Reltio, and then delivered via Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake. You will always have accurate dimensional data to support your analytics and decisions.
  2. Second, you will walk- through the Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake’s onboarding process. This process is self-service, thus, you will be able to perform any activity at your own pace. This will help you automatically convert Reltio data into Snowflake tables, keeping each synchronized. The data transfer is easy to configure, too, as you can choose between scheduling this action or doing it on demand. Activate your license, go into the documentation, study the easy to understand configurations, execute an API, and your data will begin to transfer from Reltio to Snowflake.
  3. Third, Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake will reduce costs and TCO. To explain further, this will reduce both development and operational costs. It does this by removing necessary data exporting and customized programming, and instead makes this process simple by moving data to Snowflake. Without Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake, users would need to extract data from Reltio, transform it, make it in an appropriate format that Snowflake would understand, and then push the data into Snowflake themselves. They will also need to constantly update code, and make sure that the data is up to date manually. By automating through this product, Reltio provides the code and operational staff to ensure smooth operation from Reltio to Snowflake. 

Note: Data transformation happens between Reltio and Snowflake in about thirty minutes. Although not real time, the data will be available quickly. This is another aspect that Reltio may develop if businesses need it.

Finally, any business or organization must focus on deriving business value, and spend less time working through mounds of data and worrying about how it has been delivered into Snowflake. The Reltio platform will manage the pipeline, taking this process even further off the shoulders of the business. 

General Features 

With Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake, you will be able to create a pipeline. Reltio will provide simple APIs to connect your Snowflake account with Reltio MDM, creating and scheduling pipeline definitions according to all of the available operations. 

Then, Reltio takes care of delivering the data to Snowflake, taking this task away from users. 

This self-service onboarding process uses APIs to drive tasks. Once this process has started, users will be able to monitor the status of the job that they are currently running, including the phase of the job and any important details. These details include how many objects have already been moved to Snowflake, how many are left to go, what objects failed to transfer, and more.

The data will be delivered via one of two ways. One is a JSON, which will have the entire source, or the crosswalk data. The other is the relational view, which could be an operational view where we have exploded the JSON into the standard tables where it is then consumed. If you’re a business user, you can connect a BI tool to one of these relational views, and if you are a data scientist, you can use the JSON format if you prefer.

Reltio considers security one of its most important features. Thus, we have ensured that Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake complies with Snowflake’s best practices, giving users a completely secure connector, absolutely encrypted from end to end. 

Cost of Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake

There is a license fee for Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake. This fee is an annual subscription. If you are already an existing customer, just reach out to a customer success manager to find out specifics. If you are a new customer, reach out to an account executive. 

Future Possibilities for Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake

While there are limitations to what Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake can do right now, it is by no means a stagnant product that will never change. In fact, internally, Reltio has many plans to further improve this product for organizations. For instance, it is possible to get historical information into Snowflake, though not in the current release. However, this will be available down the road,  as well as the ability to move activity log data into Snowflake. 

Likewise, Reference data RDM will not be synced through this product with Snowflake. Many objects are available to be moved to Snowflake, like entities, relations, and match and merge. However, based upon customer feedback, Reltio can develop the product to allow for delivery of RDM, if this is a common need moving forward.

Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake Terminology Defined

Before diving into a full demonstration of Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake, be sure you understand the following definitions. 

  • Pipeline: The pipeline is a configuration that defines a list of entities, relations and interactions to extract from. There are pipeline configuration APIs available. Users may come and configure within the pipeline configuration. Once you have the pipeline available at the tenant level, you can use the pipeline to create a job. 
  • Schedule: Your schedule defines when to perform the actions on a recurring basis. Choose between daily or weekly options for data transformation.
  • Job: Batch jobs are responsible for delivering data into Snowflake. 
  • Task: Every job must have at least one task assigned to it, required to finish the work. This may be an extraction or export of data, among other things. Tasks happen internally, so users only monitor this part of the process. 
  • Relational view: This is a custom view defined upon customer data that follows the relational database model. 
  • Custom views: This is a database view that users create on top of the JSON format to solve a business need. 

In our third and final blog, we will apply these terms and go over a full demonstration, as well as an architecture overview of Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake.

Relevant Content: 
Reltio Connected Data for Snowflake: A Business Solution

Reltio Academy now offers a detailed course on Snowflake! The course provides you with an overview of how you can use Reltio and Snowflake together to better solve business problems. It outlines the steps required to integrate Reltio and Snowflake in order to seamlessly export data from Reltio to Snowflake and provides some best practices to manage and export data for Snowflake. You will also learn about the various options available to export quality data from Reltio to Snowflake and how to execute queries in Snowflake to access the exported data.

Partners can access the course here.
Customers can access the course here.

Please keep in mind: everything covered here, and in connected blogs and webinars, is intended for informational purposes only. If you or your business choose to purchase, we recommend that you do not base your decision solely on this presented information. All of Reltio’s products, and their counterparts, remain the property of Reltio.


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