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Reltio’s New User Interface – Streamlining the Realm of Data

By Sushant Rai posted 10-10-2022 08:23


In the first article, Reltio’s New User Interface – a New Age for Data, we dive into how we addressed challenges faced by Reltio customers, how we enhanced the Data Quality, how we improved the navigation experience and how we streamlined the advanced search. In this article I will go into more detail about other items we have enhanced and changed. 

In-Depth Dive of Reltio’s Novel Data Dynamics

Building upon our previous overview of Reltio’s new user experience, in this article, we will further explore how we aim to streamline the realm of data.

Adopting a Visual Path for Relationships

Overall, all relationships are shown in a much more visual manner, and there is far less information. In the previous user interface, there was just one view, and information was very difficult to understand. With the new Relationships perspective , you may filter the relationships based on specific criteria. For instance, you may choose which table columns are relevant to you, or you may filter directly by relationship type. You may click on a specific relationship to see all the information in a sub-view, such as the direction of the connection, its name, labels, and specific properties.

In addition, we have used new UI libraries to provide the data you may need to consume. Information is constantly accessible at a profile level on the right, eliminating the need to repeatedly go back and forth. Besides, the data administration is quite simple. With the new Graph perspective users can organize distinct graph types based on the hierarchies you are keeping, as well as different draught layouts, ranging from basic to complex.  Besides, you may visualize the same associations and search through them or record filtering capabilities using entity, relationship, and graph kinds, and its efficiency for big volumes of data is significantly enhanced.

Enhanced Matching

Our dynamic filtering features, where you can use any of the filters to, for instance, check for anything that resembles this specific profile name, and it will display it. It is currently quite simple to locate profiles, and we continue to make many upgrades and progress in this direction. This is about compatibility.

There are two distinct views available for matching now. One is a column view which allows users to compare up to 4 profiles. And the other is a table view.;for comparing profiles in bulk. This table view will be available with 2022.3. A new single text search box is available now to quickly find profiles for matching.

It is also possible to customize the interface based on the relevancequalities and columns you need or continue to add the necessary items. On the basis of what characteristics this specific match was proposed, it allows data stewards to quickly and visually determine the property from the two columns they need to compare.

Visualize the sources and survivorship

The new sources perspective focus on data steward productivity. History view now available in sources and eliminates the need for users to go back and forth between profile & sources perspective. Editing capabilities like pinning or ignore have been simplified. Sources and crosswalks now have unique & constant color assignment that persists from session to session. And keeping up with the general theme of personalization, sources UI can also be personalized by users based on their preferences

Activity Log

We also offer a new and updated activity log detailing all actions performed on this profile, with sophisticated filtering features for activity kinds, distinct activities, times, date ranges, and any user-defined filter. Everything may also be exported quite simply using this user interface. This is something that we have done, so many of these stewardship skills that I like to discuss are ones that we have acquired.

Streamlining UI Configurations

The second thing I want to quickly point out is something that is a major source of friction or takes time away from your regular day-to-day project activities: configurations. When you need a UI configuration file, you submit a support ticket, receive the file, make the necessary changes, and then submit another ticket to publish it. Now, you can do every task on your own. Hence, you may simply download, modify, and upload the file. I will not go too far into it.

We have also considered the configurator and administrator personas, making it simpler for them to set up Reltio UI and accelerate their time to value. These are the topics I wanted to discuss and demonstrate to you.


Why the move ?

We understand that change is difficult. But why did we make this decision? We want to provide our clients and consumers with the most recent design ideas. Material design is the world's most extensively utilized design approach by the largest technology businesses, and we wanted to offer those benefits to you. This is a significant shift, but one that will improve the usability, efficiency, and efficacy of your daily operations.

We have also redesigned our complete technological stack, so it is not just cosmetic. Everything that drives this user interface has been altered and made more user-friendly. The technology stack must be scalable, robust, and high-performing.We will construct UI components with these new technological frameworks much more quickly. Well, reusable UI components are also much quicker. Our long-term plan is to create reusable UI components and provide them to our partners and customers so they may embed them in other UIs or develop their own UIs, but you were NOT able to do so with our previous technology. This is another important reason why we want to do this.


Shifting towards Self-Service Setup

Previously, dashboard configuration was a black box; now, with the new Reltio dashboard, it can be customized and specified by the Reltio configurators, partners, or administrators. All accessible charts have the same layout, as is shown above. You can set and modify whatever attributes you like.

If you want a new chart, administrators can simply build one, choose a chart type, and begin discussing the libraries, the kind of chart, the object types and filters, the attribute you want to manipulate, and similar details. Requesting Reltio for a file or asking Reltio or consultants to generate a chart for publication used to be a lengthy procedure. It may be performed in development or test environments and then pushed to production.

Moving forward, we want to move more towards a self-service setup, which was tough with the previous technology and architecture. We want to emphasize self-service more and for our clients to be much more autonomous. They can do all tasks without assistance from Reltio's support or experts. They execute rapidly, resulting in a quicker time to value.

If you missed it, watch the Reltio Community Show on The New Modern Reltio User Experience: 


Replacing the Traditional UI

How will this occur? Today, the new Reltio UI is widely accessible to all customers., We intend to transition all client tenants to the new user interface. The new Reltio UI will replace the previous or traditional UI presently used by customers. Reltio plans to deprecate the Classic user interface on 22 February 2023. But you do not have to wait until February. All users can try the new UI by simply clicking the button “Switch to New UI'' or by changing user preferences. Customers can decide to switch immediately to the new UI. For switching all users to the new UI on a tenant please raise a support ticket. We will use the period between now and Feb 2023 to collect your comments, integrate that feedback, and provide any assistance or support you may need to transition to the new user interface. Whatever input we have received so far is already being implemented, and you will see its effects in the next sprints and weekly releases.

