Hi Kaushik,
I have done this once and can share our approach.
Step 1. Create a Household EntityType with attributes like last name, address, and anything else you would like to capture and store.
Step 2. Create a HouseholdToIndividual relationship type
Step 3. Load your individual data to a database and perform a group by Last Name and Address and generate an ID for each group. Each Group will represent a Household and Each Individual a Member. Create a load file of households and another of HouseholdToIndividual relationships form the result.
Step 4. Load to Reltio using the Console Data loader
For deltas you will need to rerun on a regular basis and compare the previous run. Using this to create 3 groups: households to create, households to update, households to delete.
I believe a householding solution is in the works to be integrated directly into the product soon that should make this even easier.
Joel Snipes
Original Message:
Sent: 06-03-2021 16:01
From: Kaushik Sarkar
Subject: What is the suggested approach to implement Household grouping in Reltio?
Hello, I am coming from some other MDM background and bit new in Reltio. Was curious to know how do we implement household grouping in Reltio. Say, the rule says if multiple individuals share a common last name and address, then those are considered to be part of a household group. Can someone please suggest how can we implement it in Reltio? I found groupTypes in configuration file and guessing we need to use the same in some way, but unable to figure out the exact approach. Thanks in advance!
Kaushik Sarkar
Kaushik Sarkar