Reltio Connect

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  • 1.  Pin/Ignore function - limit security for this ability or report to review where this has been used.

    Founding Member
    Posted 08-23-2021 11:54
    I would like to limit the ability for our Data Stewards to use the Pin/Ignore functionality.   At times they need to edit and/or delete an attribute and the Pin, Ignore, Edit are all presented.    We are noticing a spike in accidental Pin selection. 

    Can the Pin/Ignore function be limited to specific roles?  (ie. Admin only)

    If not is there a way to run a report to show all profiles with either a Pin or Ignore selected?

    Thank you, 

    Angela Wawrzaszek
    Manager, MDM governance and Application Enablement

  • 2.  RE: Pin/Ignore function - limit security for this ability or report to review where this has been used.

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 08-23-2021 15:29
    Hello Angela, 

    The ignore/ pin API calls are driven by PUT API requests. These are available to users who have update privileges on the entity type/ attributes. You can restrict a user by restraining the update permissions for the roles/ group of users, but this is not specific to only these 2 API calls. 

    Regarding the reporting, you can utilize the advanced search option to review and search profiles/ entities based on the conditions and save the queries.
    For any specific requirements, you can raise an ideas portal -


    Shantanu Indra

  • 3.  RE: Pin/Ignore function - limit security for this ability or report to review where this has been used.

    Founding Member
    Posted 08-23-2021 15:43

    Please provide more information on the advanced search.


    I do not see any ability to create a search based on a Pin/Ignore being present on a profile?


    Thank you,



  • 4.  RE: Pin/Ignore function - limit security for this ability or report to review where this has been used.

    Posted 08-24-2021 10:41
    Hi Angie,

    The Pin/Ignore flags are currently not indexed in Reltio, so users are unable to search and/or filter on these flags.  There currently is an idea in the ideas portal which specifically asks for this capability.  Please see the link below for reference:


    Pete Cory

  • 5.  RE: Pin/Ignore function - limit security for this ability or report to review where this has been used.

    Founding Member
    Posted 08-24-2021 10:52

    Thank you!


    I have voted for this enhancement.  Would be beneficial to know where this feature has been applied to a profile. 


    Appreciate the input.




    Angela Wawrzaszek
    MDM Manager 
    Master Data Management - Data standardization and process alignment 

    +1 315.291.3565 office 





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