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  • 1.  Can we throw custom messages (error/warnings )based on the workflow logic ?

    Posted 04-24-2023 08:13

    Will the workflow logic or deployment  be same for RDM also ?

    Utsa Das

  • 2.  RE: Can we throw custom messages (error/warnings )based on the workflow logic ?

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 05-19-2023 12:35

    Workflow is executed as an asynchronous process so messages cannot be directly displayed in the Reltio UI.    You can add a comment to a workflow with the API:


    { "processInstanceComment": "my new comment" }
    Alternatively, you could get the task assignee or createdBy user and send a message directly to them from API
    If you are launching the workflow from a synchronous beforeSave LCA then a message thrown should be displayed in the Reltio UI.
    RDM workflow is currently not customizable so you cannot throw any messages.  RDM will publish events to a queue which you could subscribe to, in order to perform some asynchronous activity.   That is documented here

    Dan Gage
    Principal Solution Consultant