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  • 1.  Edit a profile in active workflow

    Posted 06-07-2024 16:04

    Hello there experts,

    We have a requirement to edit a profile that is a part of an active workflow.

    Let's say, a datasteward has initiated for a DCR and it is assigned to a specific user. Now, we need the user to be able to edit the submitted data in the UI and then approve it with the edits to proceed with the workflow.

    Kindly let know how to achieve this.

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 2.  RE: Edit a profile in active workflow

    Posted 06-11-2024 08:32

    @Daniel Gage, @Sergio Abraham, @Joel Snipes can you please help us on this?

    Like, any specific ROLE or configurations that can be made OOTB without customizing?

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 3.  RE: Edit a profile in active workflow

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 06-12-2024 07:02

    @Karthik Thomas can you help with this? 

    Chris Detzel
    Director of Customer Community and Engagement

  • 4.  RE: Edit a profile in active workflow

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 06-12-2024 07:59

    Hello @Nidheesh R -

    I am assuming your specific user with ROLE_REVIEWER is already assigned ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST permission.
    Secondly, does your specific reviewer user have the below OOTB roles assigned to them?


    To directly edit the profile in Hub UI, a user needs ROLE_UI_ALL or ROLE_ADMIN or any other custom role that has WRITE permissions. In practice, we recommend a custom role which has been given the necessary CRU permission for the relevant entities/attributes via metadata security.

    However, if you are looking for a feature wherein a user can apply a change through a DCR but cannot make the change directly to the same entity via Hub UI outside of the DCR; this shall be available in the upcoming 2024.2 GA release scheduled for Monday, June 17th.

    Please let me know if this helps answer your question.

    Karthik Thomas
    Product Manager

  • 5.  RE: Edit a profile in active workflow

    Posted 06-12-2024 08:18

    Thanks for your response @Karthik Thomas.

    Yes, we are making sure of the roles you have mentioned. And yes for the next one too, we are needing a feature that would allow users with specific roles to make changes in the DCR itself and re-suggest the new changes without having to create a new workflow.

    Hope that comes in the June 17th release.

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 6.  RE: Edit a profile in active workflow

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 06-17-2024 10:19

    hi Nidheesh,

    we don't provide the capability to modify changes in existing DCR before applying. However, it is possible to apply a DCR partially by removing some changes that the reviewer considers invalid (or not applicable). The partial apply feature is available in the Inbox application

    for users who have DELETE privileges on Change Request. Notice that the global role ROLE_WORKFLOW does not have it by default and you might need to create your custom role and assign this privilege to it.

    Yury Timofeev
    Product Owner of the Workflow

  • 7.  RE: Edit a profile in active workflow

    Posted 06-18-2024 04:39

    Yeah. We get this @Yury Timofeev. This requirement is similar to the below idea:

    Allow the ability to make changes to DCR suggested values

                   As a data steward, there are DCRs that I want to make changes to instead of rejecting the entire request. For example, a field rep had suggested to add a new doctor. This field rep had filled in all the required fields but had misspelled the doctor's last name. We want to be able to edit this suggestion to the correct spelling and approve the request. Instead, we are forced to reject the entire request and start a new request with the correct values. This is very inefficient and slows down my productivity. We will have hundreds of other requests we have to review and we need a faster way of making changes on the fly.

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer