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  • 1.  Filter availblity in Cleanse for Address.

    Posted 04-11-2022 01:33

    Hi Team,

    We have one nested attribute known as MultiChannelCommunication Preference which holds the opt-ins and opt-outs for channles which includes to Direct Mail (Address)

    We would need to standarized it so that we get the same address merged together to get the latest and greatest Opts information.

    Hence we need to apply address cleanse on the Channel Type = 'Direct Mail' only.
    But that option is not available right now.


    1. Can we have filter in cleanse config to apply to onle certian channel types (Direct Mail)

    2. If not, what is the consequence of apply address cleanse to all channel types (Email and Phone)


  • 2.  RE: Filter availblity in Cleanse for Address.

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 04-11-2022 11:28
    Hi Vignesh,

    I assume that your physical address attributes within the MultiChannelCommunication Preference Nest are different from the Email attributes as well as the Phone attributes.  If your cleanser mappings are different for each cleanser, then they will not process data in attributes that do not exist (Nest with Channel Type = 'Direct Mail', should not have Email or Phone attributes populated in it).

  • 3.  RE: Filter availblity in Cleanse for Address.

    Posted 04-28-2022 11:48
    Thanks Adnan for the reply but the multi channel communication is a single nested attribute.

    -- channeltype 
    -- channelvalue
    -- opt-stauts

    Hence all channels like email, phone will be in the same nested attribute.
