Hi Utsa,
That's a good question. With the legacy view we have a variety of business rules that we apply, force functions, to make the formatting and the schema for the match as close to 101 as possible. And within the documentation we note exceptions, right? For example, if there's an underscore in the Reltio UI or of an attribute, like my underscore field, it would be my dash field, something like that, right? So there's some discrepancies in that. We have business rules to go ahead try to resolve as much.
But this is why we're really promoting the new JSON format because that is now a one-to-one rounding of the Reltio data format that you see in the Reltio drive or APIs, right? To what you see in GBQ. GBQ recently added JSON as column, as a datatype itself, and we took advantage of that. That's essentially what this new feature's about, that now we don't have to do any manual business rules to make sure that that is aligned with Reltio data. It's now done automatically. That answers that question.
Jon Ulloa
Original Message:
Sent: 03-08-2023 11:33
From: Utsa Das
Subject: How does OOTB L3 Sync with GBQ data box Model?
How does OOTB L3 sync with data box GBQ model? Is it manually or automated? What will be the process?
Utsa Das