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  • 1.  how to apply DVF - for checking of some special character and numbers only

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 11-07-2022 07:23
    Here to apply DVF regrex for the below condition for a String attribute:
    for Contact FirstName, if data contains some specific special character such as !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,~,+,|,\,/,<,> and numbers
    then some validation message comes such as "FirstName  is having with invalid character"
    The valid data could be having with other special character except the character mentioned before and also can contain all Languages including English.
    Can someone help me what will be my approach to apply this kind of DVF?

    Pradipta Chakraborty
    Cognizant Technology Solution (P) India Limited

  • 2.  RE: how to apply DVF - for checking of some special character and numbers only

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 11-08-2022 09:38

    Hi Pradipta, 

    One way to approach this problem could be by using python's re.comile() which is used to compile a regular expression pattern provided as a string into a regex pattern object . Later we can use this pattern object  to search for a match inside different target strings (first Names) using regex methods such as a re.match() or

    you can compile the special characters into a regex pattern object and the do a . 

    regex = re.compile('[@_!#$%^&*()<>?/\|}{~:]')
    where , == None  would indicate the data as fine otherwise it contains a special character .

    P.S : Just realised the above approach in no way related to Reltio's DVF but a general approach . Apologies for the confusion :-P

    Manish Kumar
    Technology Consultant

  • 3.  RE: how to apply DVF - for checking of some special character and numbers only

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 11-08-2022 12:55
    Hi Pradipta,

    If you use an expression like [^a-zA-Z] then only characters a to z upper and lower case would not trigger the DVF.  

    Please be aware that you can use the scrub cleanser to automatically remove the special characters from the input if that better matches your requirements.  Documentation on the cleanser can be found at

    Gino Fortunato
    Senior Solution Engineer

  • 4.  RE: how to apply DVF - for checking of some special character and numbers only

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 11-10-2022 12:12
    Hi Pradipta,

    As I explained you in one of the old query, we can able to Identify  if name contains special characters by specifying valid values, example below.
    Query Builder: not regexp(, '[a-zA-Z-\\s]+$')

    The records which has special characters excluding - or space will show-up

    But looks like, you have certain characters, you want to show-up like name has special characters if it contains specified characters(!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,~,+,|,\,/,<,> and numbers). Tried multiple ways using regexp contains option but did not get desired results. But you can achieve with contains operator(like below). Please reach out to Reltio support team and if you find, please post it here.

    contains(attributes.Name.value, '!') or contains(attributes.Name.value, '+') 
