Sr. Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 09-27-2023 13:04
From: Girish Kalburgi
Subject: How to identify a record having more than one primary Email/Address
I see the read-only mode does not provide the list. If we run the job in readOnly : false then it would provide the URI in the fixedObjects.
Here is a sample:
"currentState": {
"lastHourThroughput": 0.0,
"fixedObjects": [
"fixedObjectsCount": 1,
"numberOfProcessedObjects": 9,
"numberOfFailedToPublishEvents": 0
Girish Kalburgi
Original Message:
Sent: 09-27-2023 12:29
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: How to identify a record having more than one primary Email/Address
Hi Girish,
I have used this task in past too, but now it is not providing the list of impacted records
Here is the sample task, 1753 problems have been identified but list of impacted uris is missing
"id": "8eb97ec7-f562-4d33-b243-004684daaab4",
"groupId": "c4efacc2-c8ea-47d7-be96-f49d59d04b8e",
"createdTime": 1695801045984,
"createdBy": "*****",
"updatedTime": 1695801045984,
"updatedBy": "***",
"type": "com.reltio.businesslogic.tasks.consistency.RemoveAttributeDuplicatesTask",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"name": "Removing attribute duplicates for tenant 8p9fZ26knIiZhmK",
"createdOnHost": "dataload-68bcfb7985-vlcgt",
"executedOnHost": "dataprocess-7dd76c6fb-cprf5",
"parallelExecution": false,
"nodesGroup": "default",
"startTime": 1695801047004,
"endTime": 1695821791515,
"parameters": {
"tenantId": "8p9fZ26knIiZhmK",
"uriList": "",
"maxResultsToStore": "100",
"ignoreEventsInStreaming": "false",
"skipObjectsCount": "0",
"bufferSize": "1500",
"objectType": "entities",
"readOnly": "true",
"debug": "false"
"currentState": {
"fixedObjects": [],
"foundProblems": 1753,
"lastExecutionEC2Instances": "i-0ed59dd4ee613cad0",
"numberOfFailedToPublishEvents": 0,
"lastHourThroughput": 287.8702697753906,
"numberOfProcessedObjects": 6316117,
"restored": true
"throughput": 304.47922,
"duration": "5h 45m 44s"
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 09-26-2023 08:28
From: Girish Kalburgi
Subject: How to identify a record having more than one primary Email/Address
Hi Ashish,
Hope the below information is helpful.
The removeAttributeDuplicates task would fix the Duplicates in the Nested attribute. If you just want to identify the records with duplicate Nested attributes then you can run the job in the ReadOnly mode and the maxResultsToStore parameter will hold the URI's with duplicates.
Here is the sample JOB API call:
POST {{tenantURL}}/removeAttributeDuplicates?objectType=entities&readOnly=true
Here is the documentation link for the same:
Once you identify the duplicates you can run the same job with readOnly=false which would fix the duplicates.
Girish Kalburgi
Original Message:
Sent: 09-20-2023 10:24
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: How to identify a record having more than one primary Email/Address
Hi All,
Currently we have Type based matchfieldUri for attributes like Email and Address. Recently noticed a few records where dedupe among nests are working until cleansed manually. So wondering if there is a way to identify all the records which has more than one Primary Email or Address without exporting data.
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity