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  • 1.  Recency is not working for the simple attributes in Nested attribute

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 01-23-2024 02:03

    Hi Team,

    We have defined specialty nested attribute and in that nested attribute we have specialty Type and Specialty . If Specialty Type is same we need to keep only one specialty for that type. We have defined Match field Uri on Specialty Type and Recency survivorship strategy on the Specialty . But if we load delta  data for the same crosswalk with same Specialty Type and different specialty , in the OV both specialties(old and new values) are showing . Could you please let us know how to resolve this .

    Example :

    Day1 : (Source A)Specialty Type : primary

                 Specialty : Nurse.

    Day 2:(Source A)Specialty Type : primary

                 Specialty : Doctor.

    In OV it is showing as 

    Specialty Type : primary

                 Specialty : Nurse, Doctor.


    In OV it is showing as 

    Specialty Type : primary

                 Specialty : Doctor(Latest Value).

    Note : enablepartialnestedattribue=true in physical config .

    @Ashish Rawat @Gloria Faley , Could you please help us here .

    Thanks and Regards
    Chenchu Giri Manduva

  • 2.  RE: Recency is not working for the simple attributes in Nested attribute

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 01-23-2024 14:24

    Can you proceed to open a Support ticket so that we can look at your overall L3 configuration?

    Gloria Faley

  • 3.  RE: Recency is not working for the simple attributes in Nested attribute

    Founding Member
    Posted 02-08-2024 00:20

    Hi Chenchu Giri Manduva,

    Please excuse for late response. If crosswalk LUD date is aligned to Day2 then its data should survive. This could you be a consistency issue try Re-Indexing the record if that helps.

    Ashish Rawat
    Sr. Manager
    Fresh Gravity

  • 4.  RE: Recency is not working for the simple attributes in Nested attribute

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 02-12-2024 00:13

    Thank You @Asish Ghosh , We have done Reindex but still having same issue. Reltio PS team asked to Run removeAttributeDuplicates task and it is fixing the issue .

    Thanks and Regards
    Chenchu Giri Manduva