Original Message:
Sent: 04-09-2024 17:20
From: Angela Wawrzaszek
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
Thank you Dan!
This is great - thank you did not know about the Raw Filter ability!
Angela Wawrzaszek
Manager, MDM governance and Application Enablement
Original Message:
Sent: 04-09-2024 15:30
From: Daniel Gage
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
Just seeing your post. Another possible option is the Search box at the top of the screen. Reltio supports manually constructed filter equations here with the prefix "filter:"
I got results matching what you indicated with
filter:( gte(crosswalks.createDate,1712635200000) and equals(sourceSystems,'Elevate'))
When I added source Elevate and created two profiles, with only one from Elevate. Note that you do need to specify the date timestamp in Epoch
Dan Gage
Principal Solution Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 03-20-2024 12:53
From: Angela Wawrzaszek
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
Thankyou Daniel!
I figured it was only possible via a Query. The client does not use Snowflake or GBQ but does have the ability to query the Reltio data and have provided information back 1. Query for all profiles with Elevate as a contributer with Create data > xx/xx/xxxx. 2. Take results and use InFile Search to find volume that have potential matches >0.
Thankyou again,
Angela Wawrzaszek
Manager, MDM governance and Application Enablement
Original Message:
Sent: 03-20-2024 12:18
From: Daniel Shahanski
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
Hi Angela, I think I understand what you are saying.
Reltio's advance search is working with attributes on profile level, therefore the results you want to get may not be able to be received in Reltio itself if you don't have the Elevate crosswalk create date as an attribute.
However, you can mitigate this issue by the following workaround:
- Analytical database - You can export the whole data (or a subset - for example all profiles having Elevate source and 0 potential matches) from Reltio and load it into an analytical database such as Snowflake, that will hold a temporary snapshot of your data. Make sure you export both OV true and false values. There you can build a query to filter out all records containing the Elevate crosswalks created after the specific date.
If you are using Snowflake or GBQ connectors, you can directly write your queries there, skipping the export part.
Daniel Shahanski
Original Message:
Sent: 03-18-2024 14:41
From: Angela Wawrzaszek
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
Hi Daniel, can you provide insight into How to build the search I posted? In it's current state the information is incorrect.
Angela Wawrzaszek
Manager, MDM governance and Application Enablement
Original Message:
Sent: 03-18-2024 11:41
From: Daniel Shahanski
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
Hello, Angela!
Reltio gives the ability for its users to save specific searches and easily access them for future needs. Therefore, you can save your search and load it any time you need it in future.
In order to achieve this you would need to follow the next steps:
- Build your search - Add all criteria that you need in your final version of the advance search;
- Save the search - Once you have your criteria, click on the "Save" icon located in the top right corner of the screen;
- Name the search - You can give a clear naming of the search you are creating and you can share it with other users if they would need it as well. Finish by clicking "Save As";
- Access your saved searches - On the top right corner click at the "Saved & Recent Searches";
- Choose your search - A pop-up window will show. Under the "Saved searches" you will see all pre-saved searches that you have already created or have been shared with you. You can load any specific search by simply clicking on it.
Daniel Shahanski
Original Message:
Sent: 03-14-2024 09:46
From: Angela Wawrzaszek
Subject: Searching by a Crosswalk Source
I am trying to create a Saved Search to find Crosswalks for a particular Source (Elevate) Created After 3/12/2024 that have potential matches. My Search looks like this: Uncheck By OV Only (since elevate could be a contributor), Source System Name = Elevate, Create Data After 3/12/2024. The results are profiles where ANY Source was Created After 3/12/2024, and also contains an Elevate contributor. Is this search possible in the Saved Search feature?
Angela Wawrzaszek
Manager, MDM governance and Application Enablement