Hi Ashish,
Just so i'm clear on the requirement - the client wants to have two phone numbers on the Person Entity, but they want them as two separately named phone number nested objects? Assuming it would look something like this:
Personal Phone Number: xxx.xxx.xxxx Emergency Contact Phone
Number: xxx.xxx.xxxx Emergency Contact Name: John DoeIs this how they would like to see this? If so, Reltio does support multiple cleanser blocks (one for each phone number attribute).
Pete Cory
Original Message:
Sent: 08-25-2021 10:31
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: Multiple phone cleanser
Hey Pete,
As I mentioned both contacts belong to different individuals and keeping them in a single nest could bring confusion end user / Data stewards.
The only information available about other individual is name and phone.
Ashish Rawat
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 08-25-2021 09:17
From: Pete Cory
Subject: Multiple phone cleanser
Hi Ashish,
Is there any reason why you couldn't leverage a nested phone number attribute for both phone numbers and have a different type associated with each phone number? See example below:
Type: Personal
Number: xxx.xxx.xxxx
Type: Emergency Contact
Number: xxx.xxx.xxxx
Emergency Contact Name: John Doe
This would allow you to leverage a single cleanser to cleanse/standardize both phone numbers.
Pete Cory
Original Message:
Sent: 08-24-2021 11:29
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: Multiple phone cleanser
Hi Team,
Is there a way we can configure phone cleanser in multiple attributes e.g. Person entity has two attributes Phone (personal phone) and Emergency Contact Phone (Belongs to a kin/friend) now Business requirement is to keep both attribute different as they always belong to different individuals and there are aren't enough details of other individual available to create a separate entity for it. So how can we configure phone cleanser for both "Phone" and "Emergency Contact Phone" attribute.
Ashish Rawat
Fresh Gravity