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  • 1.  Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 09-01-2021 03:56
    We are facing issues with Large profiles in the tenant (Large profiles = Crosswalk count > 300 or Profile size > 10 MB).

    Issues facing:

    1. Profiles not participating in match & merging.
    2. Inconsistencies in the data at the outbound for some of the attributes.


    1. How we can rectify the above listed issues?
    2. Is there a way for us to know all the profiles in the tenant which are reaching/reached the set threshold limit i.e 10 MB?

    Let me know for more information required.

    Sandeep Payyavula

  • 2.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Founding Member
    Posted 09-01-2021 09:37
    You really need to revisit your data load process. Any profile with > 100 crosswalks with provide nothing but unexpected results and degraded performance. Does each entity actually have >300 separate data sources, or all of these crosswalks being created by some sort of bug in the data load process?

    Walt Feldman
    Solutions Architect

  • 3.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Posted 09-02-2021 09:50
    We have a case where there are literally hundreds of virtual organizations that all tie to the same physical location, causing us to run into a similar situation.  We created a roll up flag attribute which allows us to chain the organizations together.  When one org reaches the xwalk limit we create a new one with an incremental name and begin merging to that one.  For reporting, etc. we roll up the incremental orgs into one.

    Brian Randolph
    Spotsylvania VA

  • 4.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 09-02-2021 11:28
    Hello Walt, 

    No, we do not have 300 individual sources but 10 distinct sources from which we are receiving 300+ crosswalks.
    Question: Why we receive 300+ crosswalks from only 10 sources?
    Answer: A customer can have multiple accounts say 30 accounts and 10 sources feeding data for each account. As part of our match & merge criteria we want all of those 30 accounts to be merged into single profile for the customer. That's when we would have 300+ crosswalks.
    And that's when we receive this issue.

    It would be great if the community can relate to this situation and provide us a workaround.

    Sandeep Payyavula

  • 5.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Founding Member
    Posted 09-02-2021 11:56
    Do each of the 10 sources provide the same data for each of the 30 accounts, or is the data divided in some way among the 10 sources? Why not just use 10 crosswalks (1 for each source) and let your merge and survivorship rules determine which attributes become OV for each of the 30 accounts?

    Walt Feldman
    Solutions Architect

  • 6.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 09-03-2021 07:41
    @Walt, the 10 different sources provide different information(attributes). Our process match & merge the crosswalks and provide the OV value for all the attributes based on the set survivorship rules.

    Here our concern is not on the OV values but rather the Non-OV/crosswalk information being inconsistent when a large profile comes into picture. For few of our reporting purposes we are making use of Non-OV data from the outbound and on which we are seeing the said discrepancies.
    Also, these large profiles do not participate in match & merging. Hence, causing issues in the MDM functionality.

    Sandeep Payyavula

  • 7.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Founding Member
    Posted 09-03-2021 09:59
    Hi Sandeep,

    I would have a hard time conceptualizing how a downstream reporting system would make use of hundreds of non-OV values from hundreds of crosswalks. If you are committed to making this solution work with Reltio, you will need to drop your crosswalk below 100. Personally, I always advocate a "lean and mean" approach, which keeps the crosswalk count (and therefore the profile size) at the minimum required to satisfy the business requirement.


    Walt Feldman
    Solutions Architect

  • 8.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Posted 09-07-2021 12:33
    Hello @Sandeep Payyavula, we have run into the same issue; and also had similar feedback as the one given by @Walt Feldman.

    We had several dozens accounts with ​​>300 xwalks.
    we first have done a clean up as some of them were created as 'junk accounts'... so those have been deleted.
    Still, we were left with couple dozens accounts with >300 xwalks AND with a justified business reason behind. With that left, we have proceeded to
    1) unmerge those accounts into 2 so that we have at maximum records with 200 Xwalks max (this addressed the 'legacy' accounts with >300 Xwalks)
    2) implemented a hard block in our system so that any record can have at maximum 150 xwalks (this will address future accounts reaching the limit).

    Not a magic solution, but it worked for us thus far. hope it helps

    Global customer master data director
    Schneider Electric

  • 9.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Founding Member
    Posted 09-07-2021 13:24
    @Loic tordo - I will assume that you and @Sandeep Payyavula have many duplicative or otherwise unneeded crosswalks. If this is the case, there is no need to un-merge, all you need to do is delete all of the duplicates via a series of API calls:

    DELETE: {{tenantURL}}/entities/1A2B3C4F/crosswalks/5G6H7I8J
    This is the approach that I used to remove all of the crosswalks that were causing me to exceed 100.

    Walt Feldman
    Solutions Architect

  • 10.  RE: Large Profiles in the Tenant causing inconsistencies in the MDM functionality

    Posted 09-20-2021 21:52

    Hi @Loic tordo, Where did you set this limit of maximum 150 xwalks ? What approach you took for Profiles which our valid business cases to have more than 150 Xwalks ?
    Thanks !


    Deepak Bhansali
    Sr Technical Product Manager
    Advance Auto Parts