Reltio Connect

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  • 1.  Add New Property Page

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 10-03-2023 01:59
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    Hi All,

    We are enriching the Entity with vendor data .So we would like to populate the vendor data attributes in a different page in in profile page .

    would it possible to add new page propert like(profile,sources) - Vendor data property in Reltio ?

    If Yes , Can some one guide me in the same.

    Anandakumar Ponnuchamy

  • 2.  RE: Add New Property Page

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 10-13-2023 19:33


    Currently, this is not supported in the Reltio UI Modeler.  Can I ask you to create a support ticket and we can try to see if this is something we can configure from the backend UI configuration? If not then we can create an idea ticket for future consideration.

    Suchen Chodankar