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  • 1.  Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Posted 09-05-2023 11:08

    Hello all!

    Was wondering if there was any way to have a match rule set certain pairs as not-a-match if a certain word exits in an attribute. 

    For example, if the name contains "test" anywhere it would be marked as not-a-match. 

    I tried using a variety of match tokens and comparator classes but can't seem to get it to work as intended.

    Thank you! 

    ujwal upadhyay

  • 2.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 09-06-2023 09:41

    Hello Ujwal,

    If you do not have NULL matching for the name attribute that you are considering, use string replacement cleanser to replace any name that contains the value "TEST" with NULL or Blank. String Replacement Cleanser accepts regular expressions so you can configure as per your requirement.  Also note this cleanser performs its function only within the match framework and does not modify the actual data in the record.

    This will prevent profiles from matching and there is no need to explicitly set profiles as Not a Match.


    Saquib Muslim

    Saquib Muslim

  • 3.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Posted 09-18-2023 13:18

    Hello Saquib! 

    Thanks for the response. 

    With the string cleanser can we set it so it replaces the entire word to NULL instead of just the portion that it matches to? 

    For example, with


    it would make "Test Profile123" => "Profile123" but we would like the entire phrase to become NULL if it contains Test. 

    Thank you!!

    ujwal upadhyay

  • 4.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 09-19-2023 11:47

    Hi Ujwal,

    Thank you for posting the question. You could try doing

    .*test.* => 

    But you would need  to be careful because it would take words also, that contains 'test', to null. For example - detest, retest, contest, testify etc.

    Ranadip Das

  • 5.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Posted 09-19-2023 15:55

    Thanks for the reply!

    What if I want the entire phrase to become NULL not just where the word was included. For example, if I wanted "Test JV344" to become NULL so it doesn't get included in the potential match. 

    With using .*test.* =>  

    "Test MB1232" and "Test MB1233" would still create a potential match. 

    Thank you!!

    ujwal upadhyay

  • 6.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 09-19-2023 16:25

    Hi Ujwal,

    It would "null" out the entire string or sentence that has the word "test" on it and then "Exact" match will not match it. Please note that it is case sensitive, so you might need to put two lines in the string replacement file

    .*test.* =>

    .*Test.* =>

    Ranadip Das

  • 7.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Posted 09-19-2023 16:34

    Thank you! 

    We will try that then. 

    Do you know if it would still count it as not-a-match if we were using fuzzy? Since that's what it's set to for the rule we are trying to update. 

    ujwal upadhyay

  • 8.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 09-19-2023 16:39

    Sure, keep us updated on what you find.

    It should not. It would only match if the attributes is on an "ExactOrNull" or ExactOrAllNull

    Ranadip Das

  • 9.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Posted 09-20-2023 10:55


    Looks like it didn't work unfortunately we are still getting matches.

    I'm guessing the "MB1232" and "MB1233" that are being left after nulling out Test is enough for the Fuzzy match to mark them as a potential match. 

    ujwal upadhyay

  • 10.  RE: Not-a-Match if Certain Word in Attribute

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 09-20-2023 19:25

    hello Ujwal,

    Please refer the Reltio documentation on String Replacement Cleanser. 

    String Replacement Cleanser | Reltio

    Please try the following regex: ^.*\btest\b.*$=>

    Also note, in the cleanse file, you must only declare source words or phrases in lower case. While applying cleanse rules to attributes, lower case values of entries are considered.

    Saquib Muslim