Original Message:
Sent: 05-25-2023 10:44
From: Daniel Gage
Subject: Data Validation | Scenario
Your first two scenarios are a little too ambitious and cannot be supported. Without a Country as guidance I do not believe any of your scenarios will work. All of the address cleansing engines I have worked with require Country first, or will at least attempt to derive information based off a default country. Likewise, having only City and Country is potentially too ambiguous and is unlikely to produce reliable results without an AddressLine1.
Having said that, your cleanse config is not returning results because you are missing the returnDataByStatus parameter. This is required when an address is only partially verified. Note that this is not always desirable for mastered addresses, so an alternate cleanse config can be created just for this partial address validation / completion. Here is a sample L3 Cleanse config which adds this option. Note that your verificationStatusMapping can be adjusted based on your own preferences.
{ "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/cleanse/infos/partialAddress", "useInCleansing": true, "sequence": [ { "chain": [ { "cleanseFunction": "Loqate", "resultingValuesSourceTypeUri": "configuration/sources/ReltioCleanser", "proceedOnSuccess": false, "proceedOnFailure": false, "mapping": { "inputMapping": [ { "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/AddressInput", "mandatory": true, "allValues": false, "cleanseAttribute": "Address" } ], "outputMappingRef": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/cleanse/mappings/address/outputMapping" }, "params": { "verificationStatusMapping": { "Verified": [ "V(4|5).*" ], "Partially Verified": [ "V(1|2|3).*", "P.*" ], "Unverified": [ "U.*" ], "Ambiguous": [ "A.*" ], "Conflict": [ "C.*" ], "Reverted": [ "R.*" ] }, "returnDataByStatus": "Partially Verified;Verified" } } ] } ]}
Dan Gage
Principal Solution Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 05-25-2023 02:26
From: Chetan P
Subject: Data Validation | Scenario
@Gino Fortunato - Sorry for not being clear :) . I will elaborate the Use case.
Use case - This is w.r.to Entity that holds company information and have details regarding which city, state, country & Zip code. Analysis is that, using any of the above combination i must be able to cleanse the details.
For example -
1. if the profile has city & state value but no Country value -> i need to get Country based on City & State
2. if the profile has city & country but no State value -> i need to get State based on City & Country
3. if the profile has Zipcode, City but no Country & State -> i need to get Country & State based on Zipcode & city
@Daniel Gage - Thank you so much for the information & swagger link. I will try on analyse in the same.
I anyhow tried to replicate the same example as the above image but not getting the same. I will try the same.
Chetan P
Senior MDM Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 05-24-2023 13:15
From: Daniel Gage
Subject: Data Validation | Scenario
The Reltio Address Cleanse API will validate and complete information where possible. You can invoke the API as documented here:
Or leverage this feature directly from the Admin console - under the Data Modeler | Location entity | Cleanse - I recommend just passing data to AddressInput. In this case, if you pass only the Zip code it will return the City and State (as long as the zip code maps to only one city/state - some zip codes cross city boundaries). Note that the GeoAccuracy will tell you if the City/State combination is accurate. Dallas, TX is a GeoAccuracy A2 (valid to city), Dallas, SC is a GeoAccuracy A1 (valid to state only).
Dan Gage
Principal Solution Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 05-24-2023 06:22
From: Chetan P
Subject: Data Validation | Scenario
Thanks a lot @Daniel Gage & @Gino Fortunato for the response for adding your thoughts on the above Uses cases.
It is truly helpful for me to see things in that aspect.
Adding a point on @Gino Fortunato response - In the above example, you have said that if input is Canada & state is Texas, then It will be an invalid address and it comes as free with address validation. Are we talking about loqate functionality here ? If yes, dont we need to add entire address to check if it is valid / not.
As per my understanding :
If we enter entire address - (Mr John Smith. 132, My Street, Kingston, New York 12401) It checks valid / not (And fills few fields based on response)
If we enter partial / in-complete address - It does not works as expect.
My understanding may be wrong, but want to share a though on this.
In-case any documentation, it will really be very helpful to me on validating Country & State through Address validation :)
Chetan P
Senior MDM Specialist
Original Message:
Sent: 05-23-2023 11:50
From: Gino Fortunato
Subject: Data Validation | Scenario
Hi Chetan,
I agree with Dan, (side note: DISAGREEING with Dan is usually a mistake!) but if your use case is a UI one, you can also check for uniqueness with the pivot view.
To his point, I don't see that the address use cases are needed because you will pick this up for 'free' with the address validation. i.e. if you input country of 'Canada' and state of 'Texas', it will be an invalid address. You don't need to check the components separately.
Gino Fortunato
Senior Solution Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 05-20-2023 05:24
From: Chetan P
Subject: Data Validation | Scenario
Hi Team,
Looking whether this is possible.
Use case 1 - State Check : If country is US, need to check value of State and validate if particular State is part of US
Use case 2 - Zipcode Check : If Country is US, need to check value of Zipcode and validate if particular Zipcode is part of US
Use case 3 - Check if the value is unique across entire other profiles.
Was checking documentation and other related references but unable to get answers for these.
Chetan P
Senior MDM Specialist