Name Cleansers in Reltio: An Overview Today, Gino Fortunato will guide us through the role of name cleansers for data matching in Reltio. Our agenda encompasses an understanding of name cleansers, their significance, and configuration nuances. Gino will discuss three types of cleansers in...
In this Community Show, Prasad Satam, Senior Product Manager, will go into a deep dive into the Reltio Cleansers. Learn how to use Reltio Cleansers externally and without persisting the data. He will answers questions such as: "How does it work if someone has multiple addresses? Can we call...
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Reltio Connected Cloud deals with a large amount of data that accumulates on a daily basis. The data is not considered useful if you cannot make good use of it. A common approach to deal with large volumes of data is to regularly perform data cleansing and data standardization. Join Ashley...